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Investment Account
Your guide to investing in 8000+ US securities using Winvesta!
What is the LRS?
The Process
How do I Fund my Investment/Brokerage Account?
Are there any additional fees while initiating a transfer from an International Bank?
How long does it take to open an account?
Is there a minimum amount that I need to invest or hold?
What documents do I require to open an account and invest?
Do I need to set up a US bank account to invest in the US stocks?
How do I withdraw money from my Winvesta Brokerage/Investment account?
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Safety & Regulations
What is the safety-net on my brokerage account? What if Winvesta goes down?
Can I really invest overseas? Is it legal?
How is Winvesta regulated?
What insurance or protection do I get for my account?
Where is my money being held? How safe is it?
Who owns the shares? Where are the shares held?
What is LRS?
Are my investments safe?
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Can I do the day trading with my Winvesta account?
What is an ETF?
What Are Fractional Shares?
Why can I not use UPI to fund my account?
What are the tax implications of investing in US Stocks?
Can I invest in Cryptocurrencies?
Can I buy derivatives (futures/options) through Winvesta?
Which SPACs are available on Winvesta?
Can I invest in an IPO through Winvesta?
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Fees and Charges
Are there any incidental charges that I should be aware of?
How is the forex rate and fee determined?
What are the fees associated with opening an investment account?
Will I receive a refund if I downgrade mid-cycle?
How do I pay for my new subscription tier?
What if I don’t have enough balance to pay for the upgrade?
Are there any taxes for subscription fees?
Do I need to wait until the next month to upgrade if I owe fees to the platform?
How do I initiate the upgrade or downgrade?
How will you deduct the monthly fee? If we pay in INR, then what will be the GST?
What happens to the stocks if I downgrade from a higher tier?
Are there any fees for reactivating an account?
What are the platform fees for each tier?
Can I see third-party transaction fees in the dashboard at the time of placing the order?
What are the charges for withdrawal bounce-backs? Will Winvesta charge an additional fee?
How is the Platform fee different from the Monthly fee? How is it deducted?
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Your Account
Where can I find account statements?
Can I transfer my account or shares from another US broker to Winvesta?
How can I contact Winvesta
Can I add a nominee to my account?
How can I refer a friend to Winvesta?
Where can I find your terms & conditions?
Not receiving OTP?
What is an inactive account?
What is an active account?
What is considered regular trading activity?
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Using the App
How do I place orders?
Not receiving OTP?
How do I login to the app?
How can I see analyst ratings for a stock?
Where can I find account statements?
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